Helping Hand Advocacy offers support in these key areas...
UNDERSTANDING THE SPECIAL EDUCATION ELIGIBILITY PROCESS: We are here to support parents in understanding the special education eligibility process. We provide guidance on the initiation of the special education requests, assessment procedures and eligibility criteria.
COMPREHENSIVE RECORDS REVIEW: We understand that the volume of documents involved in the special education process can be overwhelming. Our records review process starts by organizing the educational records for analysis and providing a comprehensive summery. This summary ensures that parents have a clear understanding of their child's strengths and needs.
COLLABORATING WITH SCHOOL PERSONNEL: We facilitate effective communication between parents, teachers, service providers, special education coordinators and other district staff to foster collaborative relationships and support the child's needs.
MEETING SUPPORT: Attendance at IEP Meetings, Manifest Determination Meetings, Resolution Meetings, SART Meetings, SARB Meetings to provide guidance to ensure that students' needs are addressed.
PRESENT LEVELS AND GOALS: Assistance in determining present levels of performance which will be used to create specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound goals.
IEP CREATION: Assist in developing an IEP that addresses the unique needs of the student.
DOCUMENT PARENT INPUT: No one knows a child better than a parent, and a parent is a part of the IEP Team. However, IEP meeting notes don't always capture parent input. In that event, Helping Hand Advocacy can help draft a parental input letter to add, clarify or correct what is written the IEP notes.
IEP MONITORING AND ONGOING ADVOCACY: Asistance in monitoring the implementation of services and supports outlined in students' IEPs and yearly IEP support.